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I am Moustafa Swaidan from Panama Beach, Florida, USA. I had urinary retention 10 years ago. And Dr. Ivan is doing treatment for me. I know even though he is a young doctor, but highly skilled.

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The final update from the 3D prostate clinic: Dave from Scotland, 38 years old. He had prostatitis for six and half years. He tried various of prostatitis treatments all failed. The full set of lab testing at the 3D Prostate Clinic showed he has severe prostatitis,enlarged prostate, severe prostate blockage and calcification, epididymitis, spermatocystis, seminal vesicle blockage and calcification, and infection with multiple pathogens. After received two rounds of 3D treatment , he was completely cured, and eventually back to health.

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Mr. Chen from Hong Kong, 27 years old, he had prostatitis for two years. He tried different antibiotics all failed. The full set of lab testing at the 3D Prostate Clinic showed he has prostatitis, prostate blockage and calcification, and infection with multiple pathogens. He received 30 days of 3D treatment , he was completely cured, and eventually back to health

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Steve from Australia, 46 years old, had prostatitis for 3 years. He tried different oral medicines and even had surgical treatment, all failed. The full set of lab testing at the 3D Prostate Clinic showed he has prostatitis, prostate blockage and calcification. After received 30 days of 3D treatment, Ralph was fully cured, and eventually back to health.

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日本の病院で慢性前立腺炎と診断されてから約3年後に宋先生の3Dクリニックで3D療法を受診することとなりました。  発病当初、症状は会陰痛と鼠蹊部痛がありました。他の患者さんと同様、日本ではドクターショッピングを繰り返していました。日本での治療は、抗生物質、排尿障害治療薬、漢方、鍼灸、整体等を行っていました。治療の効果はというと、鼠蹊部痛は消失しましたが、会陰部痛の方はしつこく残り続けました。

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